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We Believe You Deserve To Be Free To Express Your Feeling

Holy Healing Chronicles believe that everyone should be free to express their feelings without being judged.

Providing a sanctuary for open emotional expression and unparalleled support, our private 1-on-1 virtual Zoom groups offer a unique opportunity to connect with others who have faced and overcome similar challenges. Our community fosters a safe environment where individuals can release their emotions and receive abundant support from those who are on their own healing journeys or have embarked on a spiritual path. In addition, we extend this support to our veterans through specialized programs tailored to their unique needs, ensuring that they too have a space to heal and thrive.

Holy Healing Chronicles Inc-Nonprofit Mental Health and Dual Diagnoses Awareness Veterans Program

Holy Healing Chronicles Inc is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing mental health and dual diagnosis support programs for veterans, their families, and the wider community. The program aims to provide support, resources, and education to individuals struggling with mental health issues, promoting healing, and raising awareness about mental health and dual diagnoses in our communities. Our mission is to heal hearts and align spirits with greatness, while our vision is to help individuals heal their spirits, gain clarity, and find alignment with their true potential. By implementing various initiatives and partnerships, the program will address the critical need for accessible mental health services, reducing stigma, and improving overall well-being. This business plan outlines our strategies for the next three years, including financial projections to support our growth and impact.

Hi! I'm April Finley

Founder/CEO of Holy Healing Chronicles Inc.

Trust The Process

There are 3 steps that we find to be critical to the healing process.

When we begin the healing process, we have also decided to start our spiritual journey. For those who haven’t experience this healing phase or begun their spiritual journey, it isn’t easy. However, once you find you and release all that has hindered you in your healing process, it’ll be all worth it.


Admitting and accepting how you have allowed yourself to get in your own way. No one has control over you but you. The acknowledgment phase is when you critique your own self. This is a difficult process because you must face yourself and acknowledge everything that you have allowed to disturb your peace. This could be relationships, environments, wellness, etc. Whatever it is that you have welcomed into your space that doesn’t align with greatness in your life; you must acknowledge it and become uncomfortable so that you can begin the next steps.


Once you have acknowledged, we must begin learning how to cope with things that can trigger each emotion. With coping, we now know what triggers our emotions in a negative way so starting a game-plan to work around the negative energy is essential. Emotions are a part of our everyday life however, learning to control those emotions by using coping mechanisms allows us to regain control of ourselves. This process will be a challenge, so having a strong support team is a must.


Releasing the toxicity in your life is a step that we can conquer. When it’s been released from you; the journey of self-love starts. This is when we set boundaries and goals on how to better improve the situation that comes to distract us and things we longer will tolerate.  Coping has allowed you to manage your emotions, to better identify the things that are peace v.s. distress.  Positivity and tranquility will only be welcomed.

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